Are you looking for a way to deepen your meditation practice and connect with your mind and body on a whole new level? Look no further than floating. This unique and immersive experience, also known as sensory deprivation, has been gaining popularity for its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress. But what many people don't realize is that floating can also greatly enhance your meditation practice. By removing distractions and allowing you to fully let go, floating creates the perfect environment for deep introspection and mindfulness. 

Understanding the Concept of Floating

Floating, also known as sensory deprivation, is a unique experience that involves immersing oneself in a specially designed tank filled with saltwater. The high salt concentration allows the body to effortlessly float on the surface of the water, creating a feeling of weightlessness. The tanks are typically soundproof and dark, minimizing external stimuli and creating a sense of isolation.

During a float session, individuals are able to disconnect from the outside world and enter a state of profound relaxation. The lack of external distractions allows the mind to settle and the body to unwind. This environment is ideal for meditation, as it allows practitioners to fully focus on their breath, thoughts, and sensations without any interruptions.

By immersing oneself in the unique experience of floating, individuals can explore their own inner world and cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves. It offers an opportunity for self-reflection, introspection, and personal growth.

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The Connection Between Floating and Meditation

When you enter a float tank, you are immersing yourself in an environment that promotes deep relaxation and introspection. The lack of external stimuli allows your mind to quiet down and your body to completely let go. As you float weightlessly in the tank, you can easily focus on your breath, thoughts, and sensations.

Floating creates the perfect conditions for mindfulness. The sensory deprivation and isolation from the outside world allow you to fully immerse yourself in the present moment. You become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. This heightened awareness allows you to deepen your meditation practice and connect with your mind and body on a whole new level.

Floating can even help you enter a meditative state more easily. The combination of floating and meditation can lead to profound insights, increased self-awareness, and a greater sense of peace and clarity.

If you're looking to take your meditation practice to new heights, consider incorporating floating into your routine. The ultimate mind-body connection that can be achieved through floating will enhance your meditation experience and open the door to transformative self-discovery.

Physical and Mental Benefits of Floating

Floating offers numerous physical and mental benefits that can greatly enhance your overall well-being. 


Floating in a tank of saltwater allows your muscles to relax and release tension. The weightlessness of floating reduces pressure on your joints, providing relief for those suffering from conditions such as arthritis or chronic pain. It can also improve blood circulation and boost your immune system.


Floating creates a space for deep relaxation and stress relief. The sensory deprivation and isolation from the outside world allow your mind to quiet down and let go of everyday worries and distractions. This can help reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and boost your overall mood.

Furthermore, floating has been found to increase creativity and enhance cognitive function. The state of relaxation achieved during a float session promotes alpha and theta brainwave activity, which are associated with deep relaxation, creativity, and problem-solving.

Float Spa in Springfield, MO

Theta Wellness Center has both enclosed float tanks and an open float pool.

Let us help you become the best, most relaxed version of yourself. Book online or call us at 417.812.5135.